hun... you probably dont even know who hun is. hun is a character from this one special movie thing that nobody other than me and like 3 people remember. which is a shame because LOOK AT THEM

their transgender looks and evil swag have captivated me. theyre a member of team rocket and want to catch raikou and GRAHH i love them theyre so cool. they also made a 3 nanosecond cameo in the infamous jalk walker movie (infamous only to me because of a friend who really likes it. i have never watched it but value it as one of the greatest pieces of pokemon media because it has hun)
once i changed their pronouns on their bulbapedia page to they/them because their gender changes every dub and it got changed back within 5 seconds by a mod after the page hadnt been changed for 5 years. god i love bulbapeida moderators. rant aside. i do really like hun and i wish we got more content of them... my favorite part is where they sick their steelix on a fucking misdreavus like a level 15 misdreavus that cant do any damage to save its life. they have no motivations or anything of the short but the only time they smile is A. committing absurd acts of violence B. with attila (their partner. thats gay? straight? nobody knows their gender it could be either) so ive just assumed theyre gay and a little insane which is the BEST kind of character
i just think characters who are outwardly cute but inwardly A. evil B. deranged C. both is the height of both character design and comedy
my hun art